Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 32 & 33 in Classic Fantasy Pickup Game | World Anvil
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Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 32 & 33

Wrap Up 32 Location: Below the sky, near the Hunger Priest structure underground.   Payment to the Priests of Hunger was due and while it did not sit well with Finn's mentality of the world and the way it works, it was a debt. The Ratmen were holding something over the group as well and it was enough to weigh a person down. Oleg and Skemm came in from the outside while Julian departed by some magical means of his own. Skemm was known from Durzigs Hold and that was good enough.   The smaller group gathered and set forth quickly to invade the Fish Folk lair once more. This time there would be captives and so there were. Deep into the halls, the party travelled with little opposition. That is until places not yet seen and there some of the folk set themselves against the party. A wrath had taken hold and it proved too much for the fishmen. Oleg and Esko did stir up trouble however with some sort of psychic encounter that left them dazed and running. With yells of a lichfish, a fishlich, a witchfish and so forth the group as a whole decided departure was better than mind control and death.   Captives were taken to the Temple of Vardesain, a God of Hunger. Not to the liking of some of the group and knowing the debt needed repaying regardless. Upon returning to Eurites camp, the goblin Kaw was found snoring away on the ground.     Wrap Up 33 Location: Campsite of Eurites, into the depths of the earth.   The taste for further conflict with the Fish Folk, the Ratmen, or potentially the Priests of Hunger was not something everyone was inclined to continue. That said the catacombs were vast and only a portion had been explored. A new direction was chosen where the ceiling had collapsed with huge amounts of topsoil. Entire miniature forests grew and various party members had seen the area from far up above, but not yet below. A squad of Ogres waylaid the group as the exploration was taking place. Fortunately not everyone was surprised by this and despite the powerful opponents some of them fell too, feeding the Brynn Deity in the tunnels.   The Ogres mentioned someone or something named 'The Mistress'. It was presumed they could be in league with the evil Druidess / Necromancer which had been encountered before. A brief discussion took place with a visit to the Ratmen in mind. Some of the items were bargained for from missing members, some of which were reported to have fallen. Esko proved a capable negotiator and some of the cherished tokens were returned.   That evening Eurites himself came to his camp with much information being shared back and forth. His sister, the Druidess/ Necromancer knew of this place and was setting traps for the group, and she might have deals with the Vardisain temple also.  Being depleted already, the group decided to withdraw to Durzig's Hold. Some of the other members could have also made their way back and news was more important.


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