Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 34 in Classic Fantasy Pickup Game | World Anvil
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Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 34

Upon Return to Durzig's hold the party began hearing rumors of increased war activity to the east in Ezra, in and around Castle Emberhold. Duke Myron Ablebain and his allies in the Church of Hoar, the Grudge, have been pressing there claim to the remains of Ezra. The Grudge also seems to have been sending adventuring parties into the Fallen Dwarven City of the Bladestains, for what reason the party would like to know. So the party decided to travel east into Ezra and see what the Duke and The Grudge are up to. While traveling along the eastern Forest Road, the party met a group of "Grudge" adventurers looking for the last group sent there. The party let them know that the only survivor they knew of was a dwarf they freed from the spiders and that he might be found around Durzig's hold if they were lucky. The 2 groups parted peacefully. The party spent a night at Wizard's tower brewing and met a Halfling and Human caravan headed into the 12 Thorps, lead by halfling caravan master, Philbin. They traveled the next day with the caravan, to the Ezra boarder where the Caravan followed a Caravan trail south for the Thorps and the party traveled east but to the south of the Road enough to try to avoid patrols. A Force of Centaur Barbarians attacked the party and a battle ensured, with a touch and go outcome. After victory was assured the party continued east past a burned out farmhouse with Cruxified humans, Esko informed the party this looked like Grudge work. A patrol of Emberhold soldiers showed up to tell the party to move along. They were less than welcoming. That night looking for a safe place to rest proved difficult as it wasn't Bullette who attack the parties campsite but Ankhegs. After a brief fight and an extra morning of rest the party made it midday to Castle Emberhold. Unlocking another starting point for the party.


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