Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 35 in Classic Fantasy Pickup Game | World Anvil
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Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 35

Having Unlocked Emberhold as a starting point, the party started there, to get some info on why the Grudge was interested in the Abandoned Bladestain City. The temple has apparently sent about 6 adventuring groups to look for a Magical Greataxe of Greater Elf Slaying called "Ear Nipper", offering a 20,000 gp reward for its return. After the death of the death of Dolnorn Bladestain, Kalokin crafted this weapon for his Heir to aid in the war with the High Elven Queen of Stars. The Axe was last seen when the last terrestrial Bladestain Heir plummeted into one of the chasms in the City while fighting a mutated "Black Dragon". The party returned to Durzig's Hold to get supplies and find that the Grudge Knights had been their looking for the Dwarven Survivor of the Spider Lair, Harmar Brokenshield. He had not been seen here and they left. The party went to The Dwarven Hold in the Under the Mountain and found out a possible location of the axe at the bottom of the Fog filled Chasm they had been to before. The party went to the chasm where they had found a rope crossing the chasm to a side room. the party was bottle necked in the chasm by a giant spider and the fact that the rope released on them. Avoiding disaster the party made its way down into the foggy depths. the Found a dwarven Skeleton the Skeleton of a Black dragon with vestigial wings and elongated spine, but no Axe. the party followed the fog to its origin, a side cave with a mechanical Bronze bull with the head of a Bat, that seamed to have echolocation. After defeating the Bull the party found the fog and the echolocation were both powered by a horn of fog inside the construct and the party returned to the Dwarven hold to follow its next lead?


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