Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 36 in Classic Fantasy Pickup Game | World Anvil
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Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 36

The party were told 2 routes to get to the Dwarven Crypts, they chose the mushroom caves route, it is more familiar and has "less" spiders. Upon reaching the back of the mushroom cave they came to the Ogre fortification and it seemed unoccupied, but as soon as they approached 3 Ogre ghouls jumped out from the barricade and attacked. (more evidence of Artivastis' "alliance" with the Ogres?). Upon entering the ogre halls the party met up with the first Ogre patrol and due to some good tactics defeated them pretty handily. Rushing to get to the next level down they made their way to the stairs and went down, taking a short rest in the stair well. They could hear noise from something below, a dull "drone", which upon investigation, was determined to be a large amount of Bats? in the next chamber. sneaking out onto a large marble dais entry, to a vast chamber over looking a deep chasm, the party could see a swarm of bats in the vaulted roof 60 feet above. Trying to sneak by the bats proved difficult for a blind (no light) Wilmont and as a group of bats flew down to investigate, the party realize it was Stirges and they ran for cover. The Cleric stumbled at the end and by the time he got into the side door that the party took cover behind, 5 stirges where on him. the party made short work of the stirges and realized this room might be the best place to rest they might find. During their rest the party determined that this room led down into the chasm which appeared to be full of spiders and the reason the stirges were not interested in following them further. The party had been warned that this chasm was a very bad place and so now must venture back into stirge territory to find the destroyed bridge over the chasm, that was the way to the crypts.


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