Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 38 in Classic Fantasy Pickup Game | World Anvil
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Wrap-Up Adventure Summary 38

Location: Dwarven Catacobs area underground, continued.
  Adventurers: Ardengon, Finn, Garrick, Rootbreaker and Oleg.
  Finn's Report to Helm - Some of our stallwart companions are still lost and most likely dead down in this vast remnant of realm & ruin. Bargains were made with ill gotten folk to keep some of us alive including myself. There is no going back and changing the past, only moving forward doing some good and spreading the Light where it can be is the answer. This is the only acceptable outcome for their sacrifice in my mind.
  Searching, ever searching we find dwarven tombs of various rank. Some burried together, some set apart as if they are lords or ladies. As time passes we find a more important crypt with a large statue in the back in an alcove. This clan of dwarves has proven themselves incredibly adept at creating magical constructs.
  Rootbreaker goes to investigate and the golem or brass statue animates and comes to live. I find myself clambering over and to the side of the stone sarcophugus as much as possible to get my friend some aid. Oleg stands rear guard while the other two use what means they can do attack. Ardengon and Garrick fire javelins and bolts into the construct while we battle on. The familiar roar of the centuars battle cry brings a smile to me but we are hard pressed to put this large metallic beast down. It is something akin to the bull in another part of this cavern area. Living by some magic means and exceedingly tough. Our noise has brought out some large worm beast scrounging up whatever living or dead thing is down here. We are included in its next prey and Oleg standing rear guard finds himself on the front line. Rootbreaker & I hammer and slash at this golem in an exchange that leaves me lying in a pool of my own blood.
  I'm told a battle continues on around my fallen body and the construct is broken down with two of the worms being killed as well by Ardengon & the others. Oleg brings me back to the land of the living and we investigate as best we can. The chamber must be that of a Dwarven Lord for there is a chest with coin and a shield which turn out to be magical.
  With my own reserves running danegerously low as well as the others, we fall back to what stands for a safer haven in a corner of the crypts and caverns, for now.


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