
Captain Velix

Physical Description

Facial Features

Her green eyes, bright and intelligent, hold a mischievous glint that betrays her brash nature. A network of fine lines etched around her eyes and mouth tell tales of countless sleepless nights, fuelled by adrenaline and the thrill of the hunt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Velix grew up a child of the derelict shipyards and forgotten spaceports. Her family was poor, and she learned the art of survival early on, developing a talent for piloting and a knack for navigating the treacherous corridors of the underworld. She found her true calling when she met Redik Jer'ot, a cunning bounty hunter with a thirst for adventure. Redik saw Velix's potential and took her under his wing, training her to become a skilled pilot, a master of the Fang, their powerful bounty hunting vessel.


Captain of The Fang, she shares in the riches from the bounties collected by Redik Jer'ot.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Velix is a master of piloting: She possesses unparalleled skills in navigating the treacherous expanse of space, able to maneuver the Fang through asteroid fields, hyperspace jumps, and perilous chases with unmatched precision. Her instincts are sharp, her reflexes lightning-fast, and she is never caught off guard.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Velix is a master of piloting: She possesses unparalleled skills in navigating the treacherous expanse of space, able to maneuver the Fang through asteroid fields, hyperspace jumps, and perilous chases with unmatched precision. Her instincts are sharp, her reflexes lightning-fast, and she is never caught off guard.

Personality Quirks

Velix treats The Fang as her child: She is fiercely protective of the ship, often speaking to it as if it were a sentient being. She meticulously maintains every inch of its complex machinery, anticipating its needs and ensuring its smooth operation. The Fang is not just a vessel for her, it's her partner in crime, her confidante, and her family



Velix is a force of nature, as unpredictable as the cosmic storms she navigates. Her brashness and unfiltered tongue often land her in trouble, but her quick wit and sharp intellect always find a way out. She is fiercely loyal to her crew, particularly to the enigmatic Redik Jer'ot, the captain of the Fang. Velix is a master of her craft, possessing an almost supernatural connection to the ship, treating it as an extension of herself. Her stubborn independence and fierce pride make her a formidable opponent, someone to be feared and respected in equal measure.
Current Status
Captain of The Fang
Dresses in a feminine style
Wild black hair, long and scraggly, is shaved on the sides
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white skin


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