
Strategist Gerard Christoph Sotelo Dover (a.k.a. The Forklift Certified, The MF MANAGER)

“Take your time, not your life”- a saying that he adapted from a mentor some years ago
  Being offered an entry-level job position, Gerard first came to Seydlar to do an internship in the logistics company Staffan Warehouse, located south of the city, which supplied chemical and medical supplies to multiple companies, one being the prominent Cronium Institute. Later on he worked in the same company for nearly 5 years until he was promoted to a depot manager deputy. But that wasn’t enough. He worked so much to ensure that he becomes a site manager, he forgot to even create a social life. Sure, he made some friend at the office and in his neighborhood. But his circle of friends only included some 5 people. Before the pandemic, Gerard had to stressfully work overtime, suddenly noticing the suspiciously increasing amount of orders coming from Cronium. Even though he can't pinpoint why, his gut feeling tells him that all of that had a major cause in the pandemic. When the outbreak happened, Gerard and a few of his friends, now becoming his co-strategist, were able to group up to try and survive, before being taken in by the Genesis. What then happens after that is up for faith to decide.   Gerard is be introverted as heck, but can and will go extroverted in situations when needed. He has the tendency to sometimes speak like the Minecraft enchantment table, but in a way that people can still decipher it. He learns quickly, applying past work experiences to current situations, and is able to “connect dots”. Kindness, Hope, Teamwork, and Humility are important words that Gerard goes by often, and is a staple of his virtues. Despite having a low social life, he has maintained average diplomacy skills. He is driven by the the desire to create a safe haven for the people in a zombie infested word. Perfectionist (in a workaholic way), Hesitant, Impatient  


Modified Safety Knife
Sharp knives but easily breaks and has to be replaced after a battle session. Blade modified to be 15cm long than the original 5cm.
  Linde H35 Evo Dieselforklift
Hidden in the HQ
  Corporate issued Flashlight
From the old Company, explosive Protected (wont cause unwanted explosions in a room full of explosive gas) and also more powerful than you average flashlight


He wears his signature construction helmet dyed black from work, as well an overall tone of black such as as his favorite signature leather jacket, jeans and work boots.

Physical Description

Gerard has average to strong physique, equivalent to a local “Türsteher” build, thanks to all that heavy lifting at work. His facial features appear to have a distinct mix between European and Southeast Asian look, with an eye shape that makes him look more a little bit on the Japanese side than his original nationality, a half Filipino. He is known to have a bad sense of smell due to heavy exposure to chemicals. Unfortunately, he always feeling very warm, even under cold condition, and will already starts sweating when the environmental temperature rises over 20°C.  


Berufsmatura, Logistics EFZ, Forklift Certification, Leadership Training

Employment History

Logistics warehouse worker, later depot manager. Took over a warehouse in a chemical facility, earning lots of money and becoming forklift certified.
  Why make enemies when you can make friends?
From a human-to-human standpoint, it’s important for Gerard to always find possible peaceful solutions. But he knows that that’s not always possible.   Existing Relations Even though the world seem grim, Gerard hopes the best for his old co-workers and customers from abroad, if they even are still alive.   Likes: Order, Safety, Team Synergy
Dislikes: Chaos, Immoral Behavior
Black eyes
Black hair with a fringe up hairstyle
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown
Known Languages
German, English, Tagalog, little to non (pun intended) French


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