Borin Stonehammer

Borin Stonehammer


  Borin Stonehammer was born and raised in the bustling underground city of Ironpeak, deep within the heart of the majestic mountains. From a young age, Borin showed a remarkable affinity for stone and an uncanny talent for sculpting it into magnificent works of art. His family, who were highly regarded stonemasons and craftsmen, recognized his potential and began teaching him their trade. Under the careful guidance of his father, Borin quickly honed his skills as a stonemason, becoming one of the most skilled craftsmen in Ironpeak. He was known for his attention to detail and the ability to breathe life into cold stone, creating stunning sculptures and ornate structures that would leave onlookers in awe.   He was asked to accompanied a group of dwarven merchants on a voyage to trade their exquisite stone crafts with distant lands. During the journey Borin struck up an odd friendship/rivalry with an Elven seafarer called Yhendorn Naedan, who had been hired to act as an interpreter and navigator. He also attended to the health of the crew as Yhendon was also a cleric of the Elven sea god "Lirael". Yhendorn and Borin could often be heard in strong debates, well into the night with Yhendorn extolling the virtues of his patron Lirael, while Borin would insist on the superiority of Moradin, the dwarven god of creation and crafts.   On their return journey from the port of Rueside in Chichingia, leaden with the gold and goods of successful negotiations, the ship was attacked by pirates. An explosion blasted Borin into the water. From a floating peace of debris he watched as both the captain and Yhendorn were run through, the ship looted, then set ablaze to sink to the bottom of the ocean. To his knowledge he was the sole survivor.   Tossed mercilessly amidst the treacherous waves and debris of his ship, Borin clung desperately to his piece of wreckage, surrounded by the churning sea. In those desperate moments, as Borin faced the wrath of the tempest, he made a desperate plea to his god, Moradin, but his calls for aid appeared to go unanswered. As the storm continued to roar he called out the Dwarven god of the tempest, Thrane. Still no relief came. In desperation, he cried out to the elven sea god Lirael. Borin made a vow to Lirael that if the deity spared his life, he would spend the rest of his days as a servant of Lirael. Just before passing out from exhaustion, he glimpsed the outline of a ship on the horizon. When Borin next opened his eyes he was surrounded by faces. He had been plucked from the sea and was now aboard the elven vessel "Ganymede." On board there was a small shrine dedicated to Lirael. Borin pleaded to serve two years on the Ganymede in gratitude and to learn the teachings of Lirael. So it was that the Dwarven stonemason became a cleric of the Elven Sea God.   During his years aboard the Ganymede, Borin discovered a proficiency for channeling divine energy. He learned the ancient ways of healing, the art of protection, and the power of the sea. The cleric's calling became clear as he dedicated himself to serving Lirael and spreading the sea god's teachings.   Those years at sea changed Borin. No longer the caricature of a stonemason, Borin's mithril plate armor now bore motifs of the ocean, seashells, and crashing waves. The beard, previously well-groomed and carefully braided, has instead intricate seashell and coral ornaments and flows like tendrils of seaweed. His eyes carry a new aura of wisdom and depth, mirroring the mysteries and vastness of the ocean.   Borin began carring a trident, adorned with engravings of crashing waves and forged from the same mithril as his armor.   In his recent studies Borin had learned about a religous sect that worshipped Lirael. When he found himself in Rueside, he bid the Ganymede and its crew farewell, and waited on the doorstep of the Sanctuary House for the Order of Sea and Stone. After 3 days, realizing Borin's determination, the order relucantly agreed to let a Dwarf serve their Elven god.  

Slaverin Campaign

  Thirteen years later, Borin has become a notable member of the Order of Sea and Stone. When Andre Malring, the head of the Order, asks Borin to investigate a solitcitation for an adventuring job, Borin didn't ask questions. He immediately set out to discover anything he could.   After finding out the location of the mysterious solictor, Borin went to the to the The Pit Inn to find Rollo. The Inn was empty except for the proprietor and a short halfling with a jovial grin and large plate of food. Rollo said he had hired 6 others, and they would all be meeting at the gate in the morning. He could use a 7th. The job was to clear a local goblin infestation, and bring back an item in their possession. Rollo would pay 200 gold to each party member, and Borin could keep any valuables he found along the way.   Although Borin did not care much about he reward, he decided to join the party to find out more information about the goblin infestation and Rollo.
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