Edan Galan

Edan Galan


  Edan had a moderately comfortable childhood, but his father was a magic item merchant who was hated by all in the community for his ruthless business practices. When he refused to lower the price on an item that would save a woman's life, a fight broke out and he was killed. When even the magistrates of the House of Silk looked the other way, Edan decided that wandering the forest was better than being around people. He began to spend all his time in the woods, hunting animals for pelts to make a small living now that his family business had been taken over by the House of Silk.  

Slaverin Campaign

  Lately, he noticed that there are less and less animals in the woods to hunt. He suspects a local infestation of some creature to be the culprit, and when he heard of someone at The Pit Inn offering a reward to find and clear out a local goblin clan, he saw an opportunity to make some coin and solve his problem in one fell swoop.   When he entered The Pit Inn to find Rollo, the man organizing the party, who said that he had already hired 1 other and planned on hiring several more. They would all be meeting at the gate in morning. The job was to clear a local goblin infestation and bring back an item in their posession. Rollo would pay 200 gold to each party member, and Edan could keep any valuables he found along the way.   Edan barely grunted, nodded in agreement, and went out to prepare for the next morning.
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