


  In the treacherous depths of the Underdark, a Duergar soldier named Grimgar emerged from a lineage of warriors with a different perspective on life. While the rest of his kin embraced the ruthless ways of their kind, Grimgar yearned for something more. He questioned the oppressive society of the Duergar, where the strong ruled over the weak and empathy was seen as a weakness.   Growing up, Grimgar discovered an affinity for strategy and diplomacy that set him apart from his peers. Despite his natural skill with a warhammer and his disciplined combat training, he preferred resolving conflicts through negotiation rather than resorting to violence. His introspective nature led him to spend countless nights studying texts of various cultures and civilizations, seeking wisdom that transcended the darkness of his homeland.   Fueled by a burning desire for change, Grimgar made a daring decision. One fateful night, he abandoned his post in the subterranean city of Throk'Dûm and embarked on a treacherous journey through winding tunnels, evading the watchful eyes of his fellow Duergar. His destination: the distant port city of Rueside, a beacon of hope for a Duergar disillusioned by the bleakness of the Underdark. Rumors of a Dwarf serving in an Elven religious order gave Grimgar hope that Rueside offered the opportunity to be who he wanted to be.   Emerging into the world above, Grimgar was met with a stark contrast to the subterranean realm he had known. The vibrant colors, the fresh air, and the diversity of races and cultures fascinated him. With his imposing figure and stoic demeanor, he attracted both wary gazes and curious inquiries; however, his resolve remained unwavering, for he knew that his mission was not only for his own liberation but also to challenge the very core of Duergar society.  

Slaverin Campaign

  When he eventually reached the bustling port city of Rueside, Grimgar found himself a stranger in a strange land. He had sold most of his valuables at this point and had very little coin left to his name. As he wandered around the city, he heard the voices of weary but happy sailors spilling out from the pubs.   When he passed by The Pit Inn, a voice spoke of hiring a party to clear a local goblin infestation and bring back an item in their possession. The voice said he would pay 200 gold to each party member, and the party could keep any valuables they found along the way.   Grimgar knew he could handle himself if needed, but also saw an opportunity to avoid bloodshed, which he doubted others would even attempt. He went inside to learn that the voice belonged to Rollo, who had only just arrived in Rueside. Rollo seemed unfazed by the imposing Duergar as Grimgar introduced himself and set about agreeing to terms.   As he left to find lodging with his last handful of coin, Grimgar stated that he would set out the next morning and to tell any other party members to meet him at the city gate.
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