Harding Quickstop

Harding Quickstop


  Born into a well-to-do family in the better part of town, Harding's upbringing was filled with expectations of a conventional life, far removed from the whimsical world of music. However, Harding's heart and soul were captivated by the enchanting melodies and storytelling power of music.   When she expressed her desire to pursue a career as a musician, her parents were appalled and gave her an ultimatum: abandon her dreams or risk being disowned. Faced with a difficult choice, Harding made the bold decision to follow her passion, even if it meant severing ties with her family.   Determined to make her mark in the musical world, Harding sought employment at The Pit Inn, a well-known establishment in Rueside that catered to a diverse clientele. As the house musician, she honed her skills, captivating audiences with her enchanting voice, nimble fingers, and lively performances. Over the years, she built a reputation as a talented and charismatic performer, drawing crowds and establishing herself as an integral part of the local music scene.   However, Harding's life took an unexpected turn when news of a rare and exquisite lute, a prized instrument coveted by musicians and collectors alike, reached her ears. The instrument held an irresistible allure, its unmatched beauty and craftsmanship, not to mention a little magic. The only obstacle standing in her way was the exorbitant price tag attached to it.  

Slaverin Campaign

  When she heard Rollo talking to another patron about an opportunity to make a little extra coin, she decided to ask about it herself. Harding knew how to fight thanks to many late nights in rough places. The opportunity to take on a job to fight goblins and earn a substantial reward was too good to pass up.   Rollo said he had already hired 2 so far and they would be meeting at the gate in morning. He could use a 3rd. The job was to clear a local goblin infestation and bring back an item in their possession. Rollo would pay 200 gold to each party member, and Harding could keep any valuables she found along the way.   Harding agreed to the terms and returned to her melody playing a little faster tempo than before.
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