Arcon Domine


  With a towering presence and a reputation for not hesitating to take what he wants, Arcon has become both feared and despised by the townsfolk of Rueside.   Growing up in the rugged outskirts of town, Arcon quickly learned the art of thievery and banditry to sustain himself. He set off with a local merchant ship that was soon attacked by pirates. The pirates took a liking to him, and he became one of their crew. He lived among the pirate crew for 10 years, raiding and pillaging, before a grave wound forced him to return to Rueside.   As he healed, his greed and need for excitement drove Arcon to start robbing travelers on the highway. Despite his unlawful activities, Arcon prided himself on only targeting those he deemed deserving of punishment. However, Arcon's reckless behavior eventually got him caught and sentenced to jail for his crimes. Although Arcon maintained that he had never harmed anyone, his reputation as a highway robber made him a pariah among the townsfolk.   As Arcon languished behind bars, the prospect of returning to a life of crime weighed heavily on him. He knew that with his notoriety and the increased vigilance of the local authorities, he needed to find an alternative source of income.  

Slaverin Campaign

  The day before his release, Arcon heard news of someone looking for a group to assist in clearing out a goblin infestation. He saw an opportunity to channel his skills and penchant for violence in a more acceptable and profitable manner. If successful, he could earn a substantial reward, then perhaps make off for a new city where he was less well known.   On the day of his release, Arcon went to The Pit Inn to find Rollo, the man who could help solve his problems.   Rollo said he had hired 3 others, and they would all be meeting at the gate in morning. He could use a 4th. The job was to clear a local goblin infestation and bring back an item in their posession. Rollo would pay 200 gold to each party member, and Arcon could keep any valuables they found along the way.   Feeling like his luck was turning around. Arcon agreed and went out to prepare for the next morning.