Coia: 23 - Why are you Hitting Yourself?

General Summary

After waking up from a restless sleep, the group finds the town to be quiet. Too quiet. Most of the group makes their way downstairs to investigate. It escapes no one's notice that both Retta and Nym come in from the alleyway around back. We discover that all of the townsfolk are asleep, they seem to have dropped asleep right in the middle of whatever they were doing the previous night. Noticing that Emis is absent, we check his room to find it empty and it looks like he has taken off through an open window.   Wandering outside of the tavern, we spot our old friend Leto Black riding up. He spots us, asking to be of assistance. He notices cracks in the ground with flashes of light that appear to be moving towards the forest. We are shocked to see an enormous tree in the distance that we know wasn't there yesterday.   Heading towards the tree, we come to a large tower with the tree up at the top. Discovering a door on the side, we walk in and are instantly teleported to a small dark room where we can barely see ten feet in front of us.   As we walk around, we discover it to be a shifting maze with scurrying creature that keeps jumping out and attacking us. Moving cautiously, we're able to kill off the creature (a skeleton scorpion), avoid a fire trap, and eventually make our way to the other end of the maze. As we reach the end, we are teleported into a long hallway full of windows and mirrors.   The large mirrors are unbreakable and the windows are just screens showing a tv program of gardens. While some proceed carefully down the hall, Nym throws caution to the wind, sprints down the hall, and quickly vanishes before their eyes. Szarden slowly walks his rods down and also vanishes. The group deduce it must have something to do with one of the 80+ mirrors hanging on the halls. After spending a lot of time smashing multiple mirrors, we are about to give up when we eventually smash the right one, causing Nym and Szarden to be released from their prisons of pink mist.   Having traveled the length of hall, we smash the large mirror at the end of the hall, only to have our evil doppelgängers jump out of the mirror and attack us. Saving nothing for the swim back, evil Nym inflicts some walloping damage before Leto wipes out half the doppelgängers in one swift stroke. Zenhorn becomes infected with a black blob parasite before we're able to finish off our evil twins.   As the next room is fairly empty and quiet, we rest.
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Nym Lenore
Report Date
27 Mar 2023