Coia: 24 - Master of Puppets

General Summary

After resting in the antechamber, we proceeded into a pentagon-shaped room with a large pillar in the middle. In each corner is a puppet on a pedastal (fire, chrome, water, earth, stone). As Leto approaches the pillar, the puppets activate and start shooting super-wide beams of fire, rocks, poison, and other things across the room, knocking out Leto several times.   We realize that they are all part of the same larger creature and attack it until it dies. Noticing a hidden latch on each pedestal, we press each latch and the central pillar opens up revealing the cup of the 5 elements which Retta gives to Nym.   Moving into the next antechamber, we rest again before quickly and quietly flying and teleporting across a bridge and avoiding the shadow monsters below. The next room is a large library with a maze of bookshelves. A voice tells us not to trespass and although we try to comply and look for the exit, we get attacked by a Liondrake anyway.   It does a lot of damage, lights fall on people, bookshelves crush some of us, we get somewhat exhausted. After the party does a good amount of damage, Nym runs around to find the exit and fires an errant arrow into the beast to finish it off.
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Nym Lenore
Report Date
03 Apr 2023