Igan Dot

Born with an inherent connection to magic, Igan became the embodiment of his parents' union, a testament to their unwavering love and shared destiny. Ilosa and Paceran embraced their roles as parents, nurturing Igan’s burgeoning magical abilities and teaching them to control the magic within and divert it into minor illusions and tricks to entertain. They embraced a modest but happy life.   As Igan grew older, their powers became harder to suppress. The energy within simmered beneath the surface, yearning for release. In moments of intense emotion or stress, glimpses of their abilities would slip through, unintentionally causing disturbances in their surroundings. Igan often felt like a ticking time bomb, a vessel filled with untamed potential that threatened to rupture at any moment.   Igan sought distraction from these feelings in games and entertainment. They found laughter and company in the gaming halls that took their mind off of heavier thoughts. Unfortunately, while they were adept at illusion magic, real luck often evaded them and they fell into serious debt. While their early wins brought some unexpected windfalls, subsequent losses wiped out any gains Igan had made. Then further debts began to pile up. Igan found themselves caught in a cycle of borrowing money from a local bookie, Hofni Hardknot, to finance their gambling addiction.   As their debts mounted, Igan's precarious financial situation became dire. Hofni, known for his ruthless methods, had grown impatient, demanding immediate repayment of the large sum owed. Faced with the prospect of severe consequences, Igan desperately sought a way to settle their debts and avoid becoming another sad corpse in an alleyway.   News of goblin sightings and disturbances in the nearby wilderness reached Rueside. Igan heard of someone looking for a group to assist in clearing out a goblin infestation. Although not naturally inclined towards physical combat, it seemed a quick way to settle their debts. Igan went to the Pit Inn to find Rollo, the man who could help solve his problems.   Rollo said he had hired 5 others, and they would all be meeting at the gate in the morning. He could use a 6th. The job was to clear a local goblin infestation, and bring back an item in their possession. Rollo would pay 200 gold to each party member, and Igan could keep any valuables they found along the way.   Feeling like their luck was turning around. Igan agreed, and went home to prepare for the next morning.

Beautiful human sorcerer who owes large sums of money

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