Meklen Tiammen


  Meklen Tiammen knew from a young age that he didn't quite live up to the family's legacy or his Father's expectations, despite how far they had fallen. While his father held the respectable position of Lord of Hearthaven, a position given to him by the House of Silk, the family name did not command the same respect and admiration it once did. When Tiammen was born, his tail immediately excluded him from ever taking any respectable position that would boldter the family name, at last as far as his father was concerned.   After a childhood of being mostly ignored, Tiammen set out from Hearthaven at the age of 18, and eventually arrived in Rueside in search of work and opportunity. With his imposing dragonborn stature and family connections, he was able to secure a position as a Silk Guard for the House of Silk.   In his early years working for the House of Silk, Tiammen quickly gained a reputation for his gullibility and his love of revelry. He was often the target of good-natured pranks and practical jokes, his trusting nature making him an easy mark. However, his jovial personality and sincere dedication to his duties eventually made him a beloved member of the Silk Guard by soldiers and citizens alike.   One evening at The Pit Inn, where Tiammen like to spend his evenings with a drink in his hand and and a song in his lungs, he met Carmine Calim. Puzzles and contraptions had always fascinated Tiammen. So, when he overheard Carmine talking about lock-picking with another patron, he couldn't help but join the conversation, listening intently to Carmine describe the fundamentals of different kinds of lock.   Carmine immediately recognized Meklen as one of the Silk Guard. The talked and laughed throughout the evening, genuinely enjoying one another's company. Towards the end of the evening as Carmine got to know Tiammen, he began to formulate a plan.   After many drinks over the course of many hours, Carmine carefully convinced the unsuspecting Dragborn that he was a new member of the Silk Guard. Carmine claimed his orders were to move a surplus of armor sets in the armory down to the docks in the morning. Tiammen happily offered to help, and suggested they go get it done now. Carmine, making a show of reluctantly agreeing, stumbled toward the armory with Tiammen laughing and singing. When they reach the armory, the pair proceeded to carry several sets of armor from the House of Silk's collection down to the docks.   With only a couple hours of sleep after a long night of drinking, laughing, and moving heavy armor, Tiammen reported for duty in the morning. As he sobered up, something diuidn't sit right with him, so Tiammen asked another guard about the armor transfer. When the other guard looked at him as though he was crazy, he realized he had been duped. The stolen armor represented not just a loss of valuable assets, but a potential threat to his job and a further mark to his family's reputation.   Realizing the gravity of his mistake, Tiammen now faces the arduous task of replacing the stolen armor sets before anyone within the House of Silk notices their absence. When Tiammen heard news of someone looking for a group to assist in clearing out a goblin infestation, he saw an opportunity. He had some time off over the next few days, and it seemed a quick way to make enough to buy new armor sets. He would be able to replace them before anyone ever noticed.  

Slaverin Campaign

  Meklen went to The Pit Inn to find Rollo, who said he had hired 4 others and that they would all be meeting at the gate in morning. He could use another. The job was to clear a local goblin infestation and bring back an item in their possession. Rollo would pay 200 gold to each party member, and the party could keep any valuables they found along the way.   Guided by a mix of shame, guilt, and a longing for redemption, Meklen returned home to prepare for the coming morning.