
Ainalabi is the language of Astartu, the god of magic. The clergy of Astartu isn’t vast and many a magic caster at least give lip service to the god, but few actively worship the deity. Only the most devout clergy know this language. A magic user can learn magic in a variety of ways, from traditional magic education to pacts made with powerful beings. In the end the result is the same. There is a limit to what they can do and to what they can learn. A fireball can only be made so large. Only so many people can be teleported at once without major sacrifice. What most users of magic don’t realize is that what they learn is only part of what I possible. The deeper secrets of magic lie within the faith itself and only the few priests who speak Ainalabi can decipher those secrets through the sacred texts and oral traditions. If one were to peruse the historical texts of Astartu’s faithful and were able to read Ainalabi, they would realize that nearly every spellcaster in history that pushed past what the known boundaries of magic were, were devout of Astartu and learned the sacred language to then learn the deeper secrets. Though Astartu does not care if anyone worships them, they will reward the diligence of the faithful if they take the pains to investigate and learn. The ability to speak this language is merely the first step to unlocking greater power. Interestingly, spells that enable the caster to speak different languages do not work for Ainalabi. Most of the clergy aren’t arcane spellcasters themselves but are very knowledgeable about the secrets of deeper magic and are able teachers. One would have to seek out one of the few clerics of Astartu to learn Ainalabi and just learning this complex language can take years, possibly over a decade to obtain fluency. That is more time than most are willing to dedicate and so there are so few true clerics of the god of magic.


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