Ash Wolf

Ash wolves are creatures that can be seen scavenging the sites of mass death such as battlefields or plague infested villages. They are much larger than regular wolves and are dark gray like the color of ash. Their jaws can extend to an unnatural width for a wolf with many rows of serrated teeth and have the ability to bite a human’s head off cleanly and then quickly crush the skull in its massively powerful maw.   No one ever sees them out in the wild and they only seem to appear after a great battle or other event that may cause a large death toll, but only the bodies have lied in the field for a few days. They are only ever seen to feed on the bodies of the dead. They will attack those who attempt to get between them and their meals, but oddly they won’t consume those that they kill themselves. They appear to be strictly scavengers in their choice of food. It is for this reason that most militaries try to gather and dsipose of their dead within the first day or two after the battle.   Ash wolves have been killed and studied and they appear to be natural creatures, but no one can determine where they come from. An old superstition has it that if one sees an ash wolf before a battle occurs then the side of the person that saw it will surely perish. Ash wolves travel in packs like most wolves do and their pack numbers vary. A pack of 5 to six is typical, but for greater scenes of carnage, the packs seen are much larger, going up to at least a hundred. Some superstitions are so strong that entire battles have been called off due to one side having sightings of large packs of Ash Wolves, seeing it as ill omens for the battle to come.   They don’t appear after every massive death event, but they do often enough to trouble all who see them. Most armies simply leave them be to gorge themselves on the corpses before they finish and leave, An typical Ash Wolf can consume five corpses each before being satiated.


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