Ashok Rawal

Ashok Rawal claims that he was a general of an army of a nation lost to time and history and is now a spirit. All any sage knows is his name and a vague description of him as a tall and well-built man of indeterminate ethnicity due to the demonic face mask adorning his face. He wears strange armor that has ornamentation and pattens unknown currently in the world, though it resembles the lighter weight, but durable armor worn by the Yuanto people of the east. He is a capable warrior and wields a long katana-like blade in battle. He wanders the lands of Yuanto searching for an honorable death so that he may move on. Unfortunately, his sense of honor is twisted, and he will never engage in a fair and honorable duel. To him the most honorable act is to claim victory. How he claims that victory is of no importance. He only engages in fights that he knows that he can easily win. He believes that honor is gained simply by winning When he finds someone to duel, he will appear to them and promise his opponent riches and power beyond their wildest dreams if they win a duel against him, He has no intention of paying them if they win and if his opponent is stronger than anticipated he simply disappears and flees the combat. Sages, who have studied the accounts, believe that though he seems to be an intelligent and knowing entity, he in reality s simply going through the motions of his past life. One can hold a conversation with General Rawal, the words do not come from a thinking being, but from an echo of a former life. The spirit is acting and responding as it did in life and is unable to break with that pattern of behavior. Because of this there is no reasoning with him no matter how much he seems like a thinking individual. He can only exist in this state and cannot be reasoned with or convinced to give up his malicious ways or to cross over according to the sage’s theories. They also tehorize that he will never cross over. If his honor is what determines if his spirit moves on then his dishonrable actions will keep him out of his afterlife. in life he must have been cowardly and deluded as to what honor was and it's doubtful that he was ever a general. Every few months there is another encounter reported, though it is thought that it happens more often as the reported encounters are only from people who survived the encounters.


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