Askarian Mucksuit

The Askarian Mucksuit is a piece of personal protective equipment of PPE that covers the wearer from head to toe. It protects from most chemicals and toxic sludge and comes equipped with an air tank that gives the average wearer about 6 hours of air. The material is sturdy and tear resistant and though bulky, can with training be worn and used in many hazardous environments. Workers that are cleaning smokestacks and chemical containers have found their lives significantly extended since the use of the Mucksuit first came into service. Versions of the Mucksuit were also developed for the armed forces and emergency services. The fire fighting version is more expensive, but also more lightweight as second matter in that profession and the designers decided that slightly less protection was a good trade off for better mobility in an emergency. The military version is bulky, but also made of tougher material to offer better protection in a combat situation. Military research and development have also been testing versions of the Mucksuit that may protect against other things such as radiation and gas, but these are still in development. The University of Askaria has been working on a version that is far bulkier and sturdier but can be used to allow the wearer to survive in a vacuum. Unlike the original suit that has its own air supply though, the version under development would require a hose going to the suit to provide continuous air to the wearer much live a large diving suit. Several companies are competing to be the first to come up with the all purpose Mucksuit that will protect from all known environmental factors and still be lightweight and easy to maneuver in. With new markets being opened to the rest of the world with the new policy of formalized diplomatic relations, these companies are now looking with interest to possible new materials available that were not before when Askaria was isolationist in their policies.


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