Askarian Thurstan Class Cargo Freighter

The Thurstan Class Cargo Freighter is steam-powered ship used for nautical cargo hauling by Askarian business interests. It is approximately 334 feet long and 45 feet wide with a crew of 15 and can carry about 2,000 tons of cargo safely and has a top speed of 12 knots fully loaded. The Thurstan class has other advantages over the sailing ships that make up the other fleets of Colarn other than just carrying capacity. Being propelled by mechanical engines means that these ships can go much faster than any sailing ship and does not require favorable winds for propulsion as the engines make wind sails obsolete. These vessels can “sail” against the currents and still make good time. It also makes fleeing easier if the need to arises. Efficiency is also increased as the ships require less crew with the average crew member getting their own personal cabins on board with functioning plumbing as opposed to the sailors that crew the sailing ships. Though these ships mostly operate within the Askarian domestic shipping lanes, a general uproar occurred across Colarn. Shipping groups from the Kellerian Empire, Paltroy, Itumar, Vicea and Tabrua were all concerned that if the Askarians were allowed to bring their shipping businesses to the world market, they would quickly put all others ou of business. Propaganda campaigns demonizing the Askarian companies occurred in many places and political pressure was placed on governments to keep diplomatic relations at a standstill with Askaria in fear of new Askarian markets opening. Riots occurred in several cities by workers afraid of losing their livelihoods, though many who studied the upheaval suspected that the riots were instigated by shipping business interests to keep pressure on faltering politicians as most of these riots occurred in cities where the local leader was against trade sanctions. Corporate espionage by Colarn nations to find the blue prints to these ships have met with failue thus far.


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