Garlawm of Falmoss

Garlawm are malevolent fey created by the exiled Arborlord Falmoss by fusing dryad corpses with the blood of dark fey. They reside in the forests and swamps of the southern part of Askaria as well as Falmoss' territory within Ulfalion, otherwise known as the fey realm. They are made of earth, wood and the bones of their victims. The body of a typical Garlawm is armored in wood and their long claws are made of sharp bone. They have the size and shape of a normal humanoid, and their faces are a death's head mask made from the victim's skulls. Most Garlawm are little better than wild animals that attack their victims in packs, but there are types of Garlawm that are more intelligent including spellcasters and warrior leaders. Garlawm spellcasters are slighter in appearance than their less intelligent brethren but appear to be wearing robes made of foliage and can call upon the forces of nature including control of plants, dark fey creatures and weather control. The warrior leaders are twice as large as normal Garlawm with bodies that are reinforced with stone to make them appear as if they are wearing armor. They also wield weapons made of wood and sharp bone and don’t rely solely on their natural claws as weapons. Both spellcasters and warrior leaders can command their less intelligent brethren in battle, though the warrior leaders can control both and have a tighter control on the less intelligent Garlawm than the spell casters. Their only purpose is to kill and terrorize in as brutal a manor as possible to strike fear into any who may defy their arbor lord. There is no negotiating with the Garlawm and even the more intelligent ones will brook no conversation. Their father, Arborlord Falmoss’ madness has completely subsumed them and they are as devoid of mercy as he is.


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