Kutosa, the Pleasure Palace

Kutosa is a small village on the western coast of Tabrua, a few miles from the capital Aptera. It is a town specifically made so that those with money can live out their depravities away from prying eyes. Nearly any kind of pleasure can be found here no matter how perverse. The more perverse the pleasure, the more it costs, but also the more pains the proprietors take to protect the privacy of their clients. Kutosa is run without the direct knowledge of the Tabruan government, by the Copper Fang criminal organization. They pay well to keep the bureaucracy at large from learning about Kutosa’s true purpose and in the books, it’s known as a fishing village. Fishing is done there, but only enough to keep up appearances. The buildings in the village look like dilapidated shacks on the outside and at first glance on the inside as well, but every building has a secret entrance to a larger underground area in which the real village exists. There are several casinos, drug dens and brothels that cater to upscale clientele and security is incredibly tight with Copper Fangs everywhere. The casinos only have high stakes games, the drug dens only provide the most expensive and exotic of selections and the brothels provide prostitutes for tastes that even upper scale brothels in other cities may not provide. There is also Rusty Claw which is a fighting pit where violence ranging from bare knuckle brawls to monster fights take place and much gambling takes place. The Copper Fangs are very careful and very selective in who they let in to Kutosa. When a client wants to go to “The Pleasure Palace” they discreetly tip their valets at their Inn’s with a single coin each of platinum, gold, silver and copper coins. That is the signal that they wish to be brought there. Later in the evening a carriage arrives, and the client is given a drink to consume as they go. When the carriage driver is certain that the drink has rendered them unconscious, they are taken the short ride to Kutosa. They wake up in a greeting area where a guide will take them where they wish to go from there. The clients don’t know where they are and don’t immediately realize that they are underground. All the establishments are connected via well disguised tunnels that appear like long hallways in a massive building.


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