
Lost is a city within the realm of Glitterwall, a powerful pixie kingdom in Ulfalion, the realm of the fey. Lost is made up of people who have been taken from Colarn or are descended from them. Members of all species can be found here, working and living together. The settlement is over 500 years old and has grown from a village of several dozen into a large city of thousands as the fey are always taking new people and sometimes those people escape. Word of Lost has spread through the realms of Ulfalion and many seek to escape there to escape the deprivations of their captors. The alliance Lost has with Glitterwall guarantees the safety of its inhabitants. While within the Glitterwall kingdom’s borders, they are safe from malevolent fey. No fey outside of the realm would dare cross the pixies to attempt to kidnap and enslave anyone that resides within those borders. In return the Lost help to defend the realm in times of strife and to help provide for both the city and the realm itself. They do so with mining, farming, ranching and Lost is the foremost provider of milk and cream, which the fae folk consume like alcohol. The fae folk have their own form of commerce, but the dairy products produced by Lost have made Glitterwall quite wealthy in fae terms. In theory, Lost is mainly self-governing with their own city council to write and enforce laws and provide community services with the pixies only providing a little guidance by an advisor assigned to the council. In reality, Glitterwall keeps a close on Lost’s governance and will take steps to quash any developments that they believe will threaten the status quo. If the citizens of Lost were to attempt independence, then cream production would stop and the wealth that was gained would be lost. Any upstarts either disappear or have their minds altered or erased.


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