Tarren Krag

Tarren Krag is a Skarabe from Askaria. He decided to study archaelogy and joined the University of Askaria. He joined an archaelogical dig at Dig Site #12673-C, south of Rookhollow to work on his dissertation paper. His natural abilty to dig was essential and the scholars uncovered an incredibly intact, but abandoned town under the ground with fully furnished houses and even what looked like public buildings. As he was investigating what appeared to be a temple of some sort, he found a strange device in the undercroft. It was an unornamented, perfectly round and smooth metallic ball. When he touched it, the ball lit up and strange designs appeared all over the surface of it. He was awoken several days later in a Rookhollow hospital, having been told that he had been in a coma for several days.  When it was clear that there were no ill effects, he was quickly released from the hospital and told to stay in Rookhollow for another week to recover by his professors. Tarren Krag though did not feel ill at all, in fact he felt an energy inside him building up. An both in his waking hours and his dreams he would see strange symbols in his mind and flashes of light.  It was when he was walking in a public park that he cast his first spell. He had went for a walk to calm his racing mind as the symbols and colors refused to stop. It was as he was crossing a bridge over a pond that he became overwhelmed and fell forward. As he tried to hold his head to keep the images and the pressure out he screamed and suddenly there was a flash of light. In an instant he realized that he was several miles outside of Rookhollow in the wilderness. He had just cast his first teleportation spell and the pressure and images in his head were gone as well as some of the extra energy that he had been feeling. Afraid and confused he didn't return to the city and lived in the wilds for three days. As he did images and colors once again appeared to him, but they were different. This time he concetrated on them instead of trying to ignore them and released a bolt of lightning from his clawed hand. Being scientifically inclined, he spent the three days testing out his new abilities and cast several more spells including levitation, fire and ice spells. As facinating as this was to him it left him with a dilemma. The people of Askaria did not develop on the world of Colarn and the Askarian scientists believe it is for this reason that no one in Askaria can cast a single spell in a world where magic exists and can often mainfest seemingly at random. The government and the Universities have been experimenting for years on ways to implement magic into their technology. Tarren Krag's fear is that if anyone knew about his ability to cast spells that either of those entities would either dissect him or lock him in a lab for the rest of his life, He knew he couldn't go back to the dig site for answers as the archaelogists there knew who he was and could identify him if he accidently cast a spell in front of them.  His next plan was to make his way to the coastal city of Ivorpoint. He knew that delegations from across Colarn would be arriving soon to open diplomatic relations with Askaria and all of these nations use magic regularly. If he could find a delegation that could offer him assylum, he can keep out of the hands of the government and perhaps learn more about how to control his new abilities.


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