The Askarians

The nation of Askaria is on an island in the Southern reaches Of Colarn. The island itself has an area of about 200,000 square miles and the climate ranges from tropical, near the northern coasts, to temperate forests further south. The nation has only existed for a little over two centuries and is arguably the most advanced nation in the world. Their people is made up of many ethnicities including, humans, dwarf, elves, gnomes, halflings, orcs and assorted mixed races that may be familiar to Colarn, but there also exist unique people as well. The beetle-like Skarabe, the clockwork automatons, the plant-like Rostlinan and the tall, lithe and beautiul Teeb Andel are all unique to Askaria. Dr. Horace Tigren, in an attempt to open up new pathways too other worlds, accidently transported the entire city of Askar, a free city on the planet Seterian to where it now sits on Colarn. As the city was already independent, before the transport and had an already functioning government, Askar was already organized enough to quickly adapt to their changing circumstances. Seterian had no magic and the people there had instead improved their knowledge of science and technology, by using steam to power and move their great machines.  With innovations such as electricity and firearms, the displaced off-worlders were able to survive both the perils of the island and invaders from both Paltroy and Vicea, who wished to conquer and invade. Over the centuries, Askar, itself grew and other settlements were established to grow the resources and reach of the people. These additional settlements grew into larger towns and cities and thus the nation of Askaria was quickly born. Because the people of Askaria evolved off-world, they are not able to attune to the magic of Colarn, but they have had much success with the application of alchemy and imbuing magic into their technology. As a result, Askaria boasts several small, but powerful fleets of both sea and air going vessels to protect their borders and the fusion of technology and magic has made their weapons more powerful as well. For the first two centuries of their existence on Colarn, the Askarians have had an isolationist policy, though many citizens have ignored it to explore the wider world. King Bartholomew Maxwell has changed all of that and has opened diplomatic relations with several of the most powerful nations including, the Kellerian Empire, Paltroy, Itumar and Tabrua as well as several smaller groups in order to become part of the wider global community.


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