The Burning Star Monastery

The Burning Star Monastery is set atop Turakina peak on the eastern border of Paltroy and the western border of Yuanto. The monastery is an ancient and massive structure, built in a style lost to time. Most that have heard of monastery have no idea how large it is as it doesn't seem possible that something so huge could be built so high atop a mountain. The monks of the Way of Burning Stars live and train here in seclusion from the rest of the world while they use the great height of their home to learn from and study the stars The monks say that they are watching and waiting for the return of darkness and when that darkness returns, the star light that they will bring to the world will act as a beacon of hope to the rest of the world. Their control of their Ki, or life force, gives them great abilities that rival magic in their effectiveness. Rumor has it that they also gain power from the stars themselves, which makes the monks of this monastery more powerful and dangerous. Anyone trying to climb the mountains is immediately assaulted by strong and cold winds. Those known to attempt to find the monastery are either turned back by the rigors of the climb or are never seen again. Paltroy has attempted to take the monastery many times but has been handily repelled with each attempt. The monks have an understanding with Yuanto and the Kellerian Empire. In return for the monks watching for and warning of any invasions from Paltroy through the mountain peaks, the two Empires send the monks supplies that they cannot easily obtain in the mountains. These supplies are delivered to the small village of Linxi which is nestled at the foot of Turakina peak.


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