The Children of Thalena

The Children or Thalena are a charitable organization that mostly operates within the border of the Kellerian Empire, though they have been known to travel outside those borders to bring aid to those they feel they can help. Named after Thalena, the goddess of Mercy and Healing, the missionaries of the Children of Thalena seek to ease the suffering of all in need. The faithful travel to disaster and war-torn areas to provide food, shelter and healing to those in need. Soup kitchens and healing tents are erected to facilitate aid. Many lay members of the faith see it as a sacred duty to spread mercy and healing and if they can, take time to travel with other missionaries to where suffering is great. Those who cannot take time to travel on what some consider a holy pilgrimage will donate what little they can to help the missions of mercy. Many missionaries are older and not able to perform hard labor anymore, but help in other ways such as cooking, cleaning wounds and ministering to victim’s basic needs, but there are those who join for a single mission of mercy, but then dedicate the rest of their lives to future endeavors afterward. The Guardians of Mercy, an order within the clergy of Thalena provide security for the pilgrims and those seeking aid. Most nations recognize the Children of Thalena’s camps as safe zones and off limits to attack as the Children do not discriminate between those in need and will help anyone suffering regardless of nationality, faith, social class or situation. There is a superstition amongst many bandits about the Curse of Thalena that will come upon anyone attacking Children of Thalena missionaries, though this is not believed by all, and some attacks do occur. The missions of mercy are led by a cleric of the faith who has been specially trained to make such a journey and are amongst the most powerful of the church. They are multilingual and powerful exorcists and healers


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