The Interlopers

A recent group to appear in Vicea are known as the Interlopers. They fight against the corruption in general amongst the noble houses of Vicea, but specifically they fight to stop the deprivation Festival of Delights. It was assumed at first that the group was made of foreigners and the Vicean government made a statement denouncing the group by referring to them as interlopers. The first members liked this name and thus the group was officially founded. During these festivals the noble houses take part in acts of gluttony, violence and sexual deviancy for a day and a night during the middle day of the year. Vicean law says that the noble houses can do what they please within the confines of their homes, so there is no legal recourse for the victims of these celebrations.   The Interlopers were started by the families of these victims who decided to get either revenge or justice for those that have suffered. They started off small by stealing property belonging to the nobles that wronged them and then moved on to sabotaging shipments bound for the noble houses.   They began to operate in small cells so that any one group being caught wouldn’t take down the entire organization. The lack of central organization is a double-edged sword as independence means that individual cells’ methods may vary. Some cells are content with disrupting the profits of certain noble houses while others will take opportunities to murder anyone within said families including children. When this occurs, the cells are quickly denounced, but the government uses brutality in their propaganda to work against the group.   On occasion the Interlopers will work with the abolitionist Chain-breakers, but not all members believe in freeing slaves. Many believe that the only freedom that truly matters is the freedoms of their fellow Vicean citizens. It is because of this that the Chain Breakers only very occasionally work with the Interlopers.


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