The Lamentations of Magic in Technology

The Lamentations of Magic in Technology is a document in which Dr. Irenia Farnsworth speaks vehemently against Askarians fusing magic with technology. She strenuously argues against the study of or use of magic by Askarians at all. Since the people of Askaria were displaced centuries earlier, their technology is what set them apart from the rest of Colarn. It is part of the very identity of the Askarian people. To forgo scientific gains in favor of easier magical solutions is not what made the Askarians people what they are. If magic fixes a solution that science can’t then why continue scientific research at all. Working harder through non-magical means may take longer, but the long-term benefit will be tangible. A machine created by science alone will work or it won’t according to how it’s built. If it breaks or stops functioning, then it is because of something specific, and the problem can be diagnosed and fixed with proper parts. A competent mechanic can often perform the repairs. If a machine that performs the same function is made with magic as well and it stops functioning, then it may be much harder to repair. Instead of a mechanic that understands machines and could troubleshoot the problem with the application of skill and logic it would take someone much more specialized who understands the illogical workings of magic, A lot of magic requires special components to cast certain spells. A vital component that runs a generator powering a hospital could require a dragon scale or a harpy feather to work properly. Is the mechanic then supposed to hunt down one of these creatures and harvest them before they could affect repairs? There has also been evidence of magic simply being dispelled. Could then a single mage simply turn off vital weapons and defenses by casting a single spell in the proper place? Could airships powered and lifted through magic instead of traditional balloons fall from the sky if their magical source of power is simply turned off? The document gives many more examples and has caused a great many debates. It is pointed out that magic fused with technology doesn’t work the same way as magic that is cast as spells and her lack of understanding of this fact is made clear in this document. Despite this she brings un valid points to consider and some in the scientific community, despite seeing the benefits of fusing magic with technology, believe that doing so stunts actual scientific progress. Though the document makes many good points, no record of a Dr. irenia Farnsworth ever existing can be found. No one has seen her in public and she has published no other works that the scientifc community is aware of.


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