The Larune Prophecy

Colarn is said to end in darkness. The nations of the world will fight amongst themselves even as the darkness slowly seeps into the planet and consumes the hearts of all it touches. When the stars of the northern sky’s constellation s align, the gate will be open and the darkness that had once plagued Colarn in millennia past will once again enter the world to finish the job it started. The gods will return in their full might when the gate opens, but they and their followers will not be enough to stem the unending tide. They will hurt the darkness and the faith that they bring will save many for a time. Faith will come too late to steel the hearts of mortals against the darkness and even the gods will eventually perish as they too are consumed. Mortals will turn to their elder’s for assistance, but help will not come in time.   The Great Empire of Colarn will attempt to form an even greater alliance to combat the darkness and even though many will follow, not enough will and their efforts will come to naught. The peoples and creatures of all nations will either die screaming or become consumed and taken over by the darkness completely. When this happens and the darkness’ victory is complete, it will attempt to spread its darkness to other worlds.   Before it can leave this world, the elders will arrive and to keep the darkness from spreading they will first burn and then obliterate this world. Nothing but rock and death will remain f this world, but neither will the darkness exist. Salvation for this world cannot come from this world for the darkness knows the people of Colarn and no peoples from this world can hope to stop the darkness that would consume it.


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