The Myth of the Farenbo Tree

The fruit of the Farenbo Tree comes from a mythical tree that is said to bloom in the most devasted areas of the world. Legend has it that it does not feed on sunlight, water or natural nutrients in the soil like most growing plants. It instead is nourished from the destruction that surrounds it. Sometimes when a great disaster occurs, a Farenbo seed takes root and the accumulated energy from the loss of life both plant and animal nourish the seed and makes it grow quickly. The Farenbo only ever grows a single fruit. If one were to eat it, the consumer would be given a boon, though the nature of the boon is up for debate. Some believe that the fruit would grant immortality, some that it would cure any ailment, others that it would reverse aging and make an older person young again. Some believe that the accumulated energy would grant the consumer power akin to godhood if the fruit had accumulated enough energy. The description of the tree and the fruit itself varies from region to region. Some accounts say that the Farenbo Tree is pure white colored bark and strong like an oak. Others believe that the tree looks large, looming and black as if burned and that when one looks at the tree it seems to pulsate and sounds like ragged breathing. A Farenbo Tree can grow from the site of a particularly devastating battle or the destruction of a city. When it grows it does so quickly and reaches maturity within 7 days. Once it matures and bears its fruit and the fruit is only ripe for a day and a night. Many a tyrant or power hungry mage have been known to cause terrible disasters in hopes to create their own Farenbo tree and partake of its fruit.


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Aug 9, 2024 14:48

Nice! I love this concept!