The Refurbished

The Refurbished are members of a group of Rebuilt who actively seek mechanical enhancements. The Rebuilt get their mechanical body replacement parts due to necessity or, in the case of criminals or some members of the military, to artificially enhance their abilities. The Refurbished replaces perfectly healthy body parts and organs for the sheer novelty of it or to seek greater thrills. A Rebuilt may get an artificial heart or liver to replace organs that were damaged due to medical necessity. A refurbished may replace the same organs to help them last in bed longer or to imbibe more drugs and alcohol with less side effects. They may also replace their lungs with artificial apparatuses to help them breathe underwater or at great altitudes if their thrill seeking takes them under the sea or high into the mountains.   There is an entire underground sports culture made up of refurbished competing for each other. A lot of money is spent on the newest body modifications that allow competitors to tun faster or hit harder. Fights and races are the most common forms of competition, but there are also sports that include mental acuity for those who have brain modifications. These competitions are legal but considered “low brow” by most sporting organizations.   Getting modifications is prohibitively expensive and it costs more to find a surgeon unscrupulous enough to willingly remove perfectly healthy body parts. Many though assuage their guilt by saving and storing the removed organs and appendages to sell to hospitals and universities later. Those that have problems affording the lifestyle may be forced to go to lower grade parts from less reputable dealers and this can lead to bad grafts and unstable modifications. Infections are common in these cases as well as limb and organ failure. Those with means are often easy to find with top-of-the-line enhancements, some even gilded in gold plate.


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