The Smiheim Archipelago

The Smiheim Archipelago is and island group that is prone to a most unusual natural disaster. Firey rocks of varying sizes fall from the sky to hit the area on a regular basis. According to old maps and documentation, the islands were all lush with vegetation and animal life at one time. As the island chain is off regular trade routes, no one knows when things changed, but change they did. Many of the islands of the Archipelago are little more than pulverized earth from the consistency of the fiery bombardment.    Attempts to learn the source of this occurrence have failed, but there are many theories. Some magical scholars theorize that a powerful being is practicing wielding strong magics and is using the island chair for target practice, while others suspect that perhaps a portal to an elemental plane is opening and closing at random and debris is falling through. Some religious scholars think that perhaps an angry deity or fiend is venting their frustration on something.   Askarian scholars have recently theorized that perhaps a meteor or asteroid was destroyed in space. The debris then got caught in the gravity of the planet and sent into orbit. Over time some debris breaks away from the larger cluster orbiting the planet and then falls through the atmosphere to hit the islands. As to the reason why it hits the same general area without fail, it could either be because the point where the debris can escape orbit is in the same general area and when the debris falls it falls from the same height, speed and distance every time or perhaps there is a strong magnetic pull from the islands that attract these large rocks. The University of Askaria has been attempting to arrange a scientific expedition to test for magnetic levels, but thus far funding has been scarce as few are willing to fun or embark on such an unpredictably dangerous venture, that may not even benefit Askaria.


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