The Sunshield of Selot

The Sunshield of Selot is a relic of the sun god Selot. It is a shield that has the phoenix symbol of Selot adorning the surface and is reputed to have legendary powers and to give its wielder powerful abilities. Legend says that Selot himself forged the shield in the fires of the sun to give to his Champion in his fight against what was only described as “Darkness itself” in a war that threatened to destroy all life. After the war was won an incursion of the undead from another plane threatened Colarn and once again the shield was taken up once more to fight off the undead hordes. After the undead incursion was halted, the Sunshield was lost to time with only scattered rumors of it appearing in times of need existing though no rumors have been verified by the church. The times that the Sunshield had been rumored to appear had been to country clerics and lay faithful, and not anyone within the church hierarchy to substantiate claims. The Sunshield of Selot is said to give the wielder protection against heat and light and to confer the power of the sun itself to strike down evil, the wielder cannot be harmed by fire or light energy, and they gain the ability to unleash energy attacks the same intensity of the sun itself. Attempts to recreate this relic have been made, but only lesser versions have been successfully created. Instead of the immunity to harm from heat and light, these shields help their wielders resist the effects and damage and instead of calling upon the full force of the sun, they make sun based holy magic more effective. The lesser shields are given to particularly faithful clergy as a reward for exemplary faith and is used as a visible honor to those in the favor of the faith and church.


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