The Syberok

The Syberok is an ancient profession that dates back to the early Mees Empire. The cat-like Mees invented alchemy and magical concoctions on Colarn and nearly all knowledge of these studies stems from work the Mees have done. A Syberok group is made up of 9 individuals with training in surviving in different hazardous environments. They would travel the world and gather materials and ingredients needed for various alchemies. All are trained survivalists and can thrive in any known environment and all have advanced combat training. Syberok rarely had family due to the long stretches of time that they may be gone in pursuit of their craft. An expedition could take years, but surviving members of the group would be well paid and could often retire off of one or two expeditions. Most Syberok don't retire that quickly though as travelling to exotic locales all over the world is their true source of satisfaction in their lives as opposed to material gains for themselves. Traditionally Syberok members were strictly Mees, but with the fallling of the Mees Empire and the scattering of the survivors, Syberok of other races have emerged. The training is intense, and most don't pass the training, but most who do can use the skills that they learned to become talented rangers, scouts or survivalists. Instead of Syberok working for the state now, they work for themselves and bring vital reagents and ingredients to be sold to whichever markets there is a demand for their products. Syberok today are apolitical and will sell their products around the world as all nations want them and have use for them. It is possible to charter a group to find something specific if you can catch them between expeditions. They are not the only group to be able to procure such items, but they are widely recognized as the best and as such are very expensive to hire exclusively.
Raw Materials Gathering


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