The Tabruan Declaration of Sovereignty

For time immemorial, gnolls were known to be a savage race. They would march to pillage and kill and make sacrifices to demons and dark gods alike. Their hyena-like appearance and brutality made them feared throughout the world. To see a gnoll would mean that conflict was inevitable, and violence was sure to follow. This all changed with the coming of Tabrua Gluka-Kao, the chieftain of the Sunripper clan. He decided that he wanted better a better existence for his people than constant death and conflict. He pushed forth the idea of creating an official nation for his people to stand on equal footing with the other nations of the world. Before this could happen though, they would have to get out from under the thumb of their current masters.   When his clan was able to overthrow the demon Borgundis, after a terrible and bloody conflict, he united the other clans within several thousand miles to create one people. The new clan turned away from the demons and the dark gods that they once worshipped and began to organize. It was a fight on the level of defeating Borgundis to get the clans to truly unify and turn away from the old ways, but Tabrua’s patience and reliance were rewarded though he never lived long enough to see it truly bear fruit. A few years after his death, the gnolls drafted a document founding the nation of Tabrua, named after their founder, known as the Tabruan Declaration of Sovereignty.   The document was sent to all the nations of the world and though all were wary, eventually all sent envoys to the negotiating table. The Tabruans, at first sold their services as mercenaries mainly, but in time they began to provide other services as well and became a perpetually neutral merchant nation in which all services can be provided. For millennia, the Viceans held the most prominent merchant status, followed closely by the Kellerian Empire, but Tabrua is quickly catching up. Tabruan’s abhorrence to slavery has gone far in making the gnolls a more palatable alternative to doing business than the Viceans.


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