Wasting Madness

Wasting Madness is an extremely contagious disease that affects both body and mind. Those afflicted with it start to notice wounds that will not heal, but they won't bleed either. After two weeks or more the afflicted find themselves covered in such wounds and they become lethargic and find that their pain responses are greatly diminished. Next, they are bedridden as their limbs begin to lose muscle tone and their minds start to become muddled. They stop recognizing loved ones and spout obscenities and claw and spit at anyone around them. If the afflicted are not restrained, they may hurt others or themselves by thrashing their limbs on bed posts and walls. The final stage has the afflicted regaining mobility and attempting to attack anyone they can. This this the most dangerous stage. If an afflicted person gets free, they will attack anyone or anything they come upon, be it person or animal. They are faster and stronger than an average person and can easily overtake someone unprepared for the swift violence of the assault. The disease is known to spread via direct contact through bites or scratches and by coming in contact with blood or mucus of those afflicted. When the afflicted reach this stage they only have perhaps a day before their body burns out and kills them. If the afflicted can be treated before they reach this final stage, then there is a good chance of recovery. Once this final stage is reached, however, no amount of healing will reverse it as the internal damage to the body is done. If the afflicted reaches this final stage and can be detained, then the attending healers or clerics may attempt to use spells or elixirs to induce a deep sleep to let them pass away in peace or they may put the afflicted down quickly to end their suffering. The approach depends on the order the cleric or healer comes from.


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