Achilles Lawson Character in Colonised Human Space | World Anvil
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Achilles Lawson

Commodore Achilles Linus Lawson (a.k.a. Law)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is good physical shape, makes sure of it, and works to keep fit.

Body Features


Facial Features

Strong clean lines, high cheek bones

Identifying Characteristics


Physical quirks

Stands straight back, almost always at parade rest especially when he become uncomfortable

Special abilities

Blocked Fore-sight, Seer

Apparel & Accessories

He most comfortable in Uniform, but when not in simple jeans and shirts, older ones the best.

Specialized Equipment

Sword Duelist

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He is second son of a strong family who have been in Terran Fleet from Earth Navy, so it was expected of him to serve, but they are disappointed at his lack of promotions, not caring that he just wishes to fly ships not be stuck behind a desk, which promotions would see him.

He is married to Marguerite Chegwidden, and they have five children Wyatt, Dean, Marianne, Scott and Eliza, only Dean and Eliza agree to go with him on the Expedition. His wife refuses, and tells him that she will file for his death at 7 yrs, soon if she could wing it.




  • Combat College
  • Fleet Academy
  • Pacific Grove Elementary


Terran Fleet

Accomplishments & Achievements

His children are his best accomplishments

Failures & Embarrassments

His wife attitude is not new to him, she had embarrassed him at many functions, even his family half believe that she is the reason he's not advanced.

Mental Trauma

Not sure at this point

Intellectual Characteristics

Rational, dedicated, forward thinker

Morality & Philosophy

Believes in the Creator, but is more a Tribal Path, the Great Creator, is in all things and it up to the person to live a good and responsible life.



Personality Characteristics


Wants to see the stars, to explore them and find out what is out there.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Horrible at reading people outside of those in his command

Likes & Dislikes

He likes to have everything in its place, prefers to spends time with his children than at a dinner party much to the annoyance of his wife.

Virtues & Personality perks

Very practical, patient but also can be very cunning

Vices & Personality flaws

Most consider him to cold hearted


He likes a clean house, though his wife leaves that up to the staff or cleaners, so leaves things anywhere, which he hates.

Wealth & Financial state

He has been frugal most of his life, and his parents are considered to be among the wealthy. On accepting the promotion of Commodore, and taking on the Expedition. He liquidate his personal wealth into items he felt best suited to have on the Expedition. His pay from that point on would go into a Trust Fund that would be accessed only on his return or his heirs. He felt that was better use of pay, as he wasn't going to be around to use it and doubted it would be a quick to find a way to Terraform a planet.

Current Location
1689 1826 137 years old


Current Residence
Space Station Alpha, Cornerstone Territory
Dark Blue, clear and peircing
short, dark brown, has a bit of wave to it
Quotes & Catchphrases
Honour without dishonour
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • Terran
  • Spanish
  • Latin

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