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Pingor (peeng-oar)

Pingor is a giant emperor penguin kaiju that lives in Antarctica , protecting the local wildlife from poaching and glacial mining.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Despite its appearance, Pingor is actually quite versatile and active when confronted. The penguin will charge and tackle its opponents as well as batter it relentlessly with its flippers, which show limited articulation. This small amount of movement allows it to swipe opponents with the sharp nails that jut out from the flippers. The immobile nail structures jutting from it are capable of delivering clean and thin cuts if struck. An earsplitting screech can destabilize opponents, and it can even lift opponents over itself by grabbing them with its beak. The neck is extremely muscular and flexible so that it may suplex and even strangle opponents by biting them. Pingor also secretes an oil from its abdomen when in hotter temperatures, allowing it to slide over terrain like ice.

Special abilities

Like all other kaiju, Pingor also possesses an advanced healing factor, able to heal broken bones and damaged body parts that would be unsalvagable for normal animals. Its thick blubber allows it to shrug off conventional human artillery and stand up to more unconventional mecha weaponry. Its regenerative healing abilities plus the advanced amniotic-addled DNA has made Pingor immortal, only killable via starvation or another kaiju.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Species description: Aptenodytes imperator
  • Biological basis: Emperor penguin
  • Diet: Piscivorous
One billion years ago, an alien race known as the Elder Things arrived on the planet Earth , still in its infancy. Many attempts had been made to colonize and study the planet only to be met with disaster, forcing them to retreat and hibernate within their colony on what would eventually be called Antarctica. They had awoken once more but found the planet was in the midst of a tremendous ice age, with extreme colds the Elder Things were not prepared to handle. However, they could not return back to hibernation and wait it out this time. Dwindling resources, the loss of many of their numbers, and genetic degradation caused by cloning and long-term side effects from the plague had put their race in dire straits. This was to be their last stand and hope for survival. Within the Antarctic ice did they conduct their expeditions and research, studying the planet while waiting for it to warm to more suitable temperatures for colonization. While digging into the mountain they inhabited, they came across a pit full of the great amniotic fluid, having remained frozen inside for millennia. The Elder Things returned it to their vessel and melted it into a heated chamber for storage. Its evolutionary potential had created incredible cryptids and kaiju they had observed across history, and the Elder Things hoped to use it in order to evolve into higher beings for survival. Many specimens of wildlife were plucked from the Antarctic wilderness and exposed to the fluid, with each test resulting in the animal forcefully evolving into a macabre monstrosity and dying from the trauma. By sheer luck, they managed to succeed once when they retrieved an emperor penguin from the wild, and it actually survived and began to evolve. It grew more and more until they built an immense chamber large enough to house it, where they preserved it in the amniotic fluid to further its evolution. Each attempt to duplicate their success ended in agonizing failure.

While the penguin kaiju remained in stasis, the Elder Things died from disease, genetic degradation, and varying other factors. Their bodies remained frozen in preservation until the arrival of cephalopod-like aliens called the Xothians. A faint distress signal had been sent out in the waning days of the Elder Things' would-be empire, and the Xothians had managed to detect it years later. The mountain became an archaeological hotspot for the Xothians, who repurposed the Elder Thing facility for their own use and studied the mysterious culture and their kaiju creation. For centuries would they remain undisturbed in total isolation watching the planet from afar.

During World War II, United States secret forces had managed to smuggle classified documents out of Berlin. The Nazis were obsessed with the occult, witchcraft, magic, and ancient civilizations. There was elaborate detail about constructing hypothetical UFOs and death rays, as well as supposed expeditions to uncover the Holy Chalice and the Lance of Longinus. However, most notable among them was a strange obsession with giant monsters. Adolf Hitler became fixated upon Norse mythology and believed the beasts detailed in fights against Thor, Loki, and Odin were real creatures that still existed somewhere out in the world. Thus, secret Nazi divisions had been sent across the globe to hunt the monsters. As for what purpose, it was not entirely sure. The documents were inconsistent in their focus, shifting from talks to kill the monsters to prove Aryan superiority or to capture and weaponize them against the Allied Powers and - eventually - the rest of the Axis. U.S. military forces believed it to be the writings of Nazi lunacy, but it did detail possible locations their searches would take them. In secret were military forces sent to establish footholds on these territories to catch the Nazis by surprise. One such expedition took them all the way to Antarctica, deep within the frozen wastes. Upon arrival were United States forces surprised to see an abandoned Nazi encampment. A freak storm had hit the area and had proven to be too much to weather through. A few corpses remained - having frozen to death during their toil - while the majority had ultimately been forced to evacuate. American forces decided to finish the job and uncover what the Nazis were digging for before they could return. As they pushed through the rock and ice, they uncovered a series of artificial tunnels carved through the Earth. Deep inside was the massive penguin, still housed in its chamber of amniotic fluid. The United States military engaged the Xothians in a firefight within the chamber that ultimately resulted in pushing back the former. The Xothians walled themselves back up, and the United States eventually returned after the war to build a facility surrounding the mountain in collaboration with Majestic .

Years of living in sterile conditions had weakened the Xothians' immune systems, resulting in them contracting diseases that slowly chipped away at their population. Trapped inside the mountain by the humans, the Xothians were unable to flee and had to merely hope vaccines could be synthesized in time. Nearly a hundred years later, they were all nearly extinct and lacked the manpower to properly fortify the chamber. United States and Majestic forces took advantage of this weakness and wiped them all out but ended up damaging sensitive equipment in the assault, inadvertently freeing the penguin. It rampaged once it reached the outside and destroyed the entire facility, leaving the second Majestic facility on the continent isolated.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Pingor is not terribly active and would rather live in isolation from other kaiju, making the Antarctic the perfect place for it. It is a simplistic kaiju and has no interests other than sleeping and eating. Though peaceful and distant, it is fiercely aggressive when provoked and refuses to let up until its opponent dies or flees. Otherwise, it is content to stand amidst the snow and ice. Interestingly, flocks of penguins surround it by the thousands and dwell in its shadow when not hunting for food. They all face it in a sort of ritualistic fashion. Pingor takes great care to watch its step when needing to move, the penguins clearing the way for its path.

Environmental Impact

While it leaves massive destruction in its wake when provoked, its influence on the environment is profound. Its feces is high in protein - both natural and amniotic-addled - and benign nuclear isotopes that - after being absorbed by the soil and filtered into the water - cause immense population booms in the fauna inhabiting its region. Fish, krill, squid, and penguin populations balloon in size, offering ample food supply for leopard seals, orcas, and humpback whales. Because of the population swell, the latter was even taken off the endangered species list. Despite the influx of fauna, Pingor manages to stabilize populations by feeding upon the fish and squid present.

Miscellaneous Information

Pingor played an important role in United States history and cryptozoological research, as its discovery led to the formation of Majestic 12 in 1947 under President Harry S. Truman  in order to document, contain, and study kaiju, cryptids, and extraterrestrials throughout the world. Remnants, ruins, fossils, artifacts, and anything that could be found and documented was.


Emperor penguin kaiju of Antarctica.

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Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
Pleistocene Epoch
Circumstances of Birth
Elder Things experiment
Antarctica, Earth
Orange, yellow, and red quills
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Grey feathers
75 ft


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