
In the realm where dark wizards threaten the balance of magic and power, the profession of a Fearbuala emerges as both feared and reviled. Much like hitmen in our world, Fearbualas are hired operatives, but their methods and missions set them apart significantly. Their primary role involves extracting crucial information from captured dark wizards about their plans regarding the Void Rod 2.0.   The profession of a Fearbuala is shrouded in controversy and disdain due to the nature of their work. These individuals are tasked with interrogating dark wizards through means that many find morally objectionable. The process often involves torture, designed not just to inflict pain but to break the will and extract valuable intelligence. Such methods are deemed necessary by those who employ them, given the dire threats posed by dark wizards and their schemes involving the Void Rod 2.0.   Despite their grim reputation, Fearbualas are driven by a sense of duty to protect their kingdom. The Void Rod 2.0 is feared due to the destruction and power-hungry those wizards had in the first Void Rot , and its misuse could lead to more catastrophic consequences. The Fearbualas' role, while disturbing to many, is seen as a necessary evil in the ongoing struggle to safeguard their realm from impending darkness. Their work, though criticized and viewed as dirty, is considered a lesser evil compared to the potential devastation that unchecked dark magic could bring.   In essence, Fearbualas are a paradoxical blend of protector and pariah. They walk a fine line between heroism and villainy, carrying out their dangerous and distasteful duties with the belief that their actions, however grim, are vital to the security and survival of their kingdom.



Becoming a Fearbuala requires a unique blend of skills, training, and personal attributes due to the sensitive and dangerous nature of their work.
  • Fearbualas undergo rigorous training in various interrogation methods, including psychological manipulation and physical techniques. This training is designed to extract information effectively while maintaining some degree of control over the process.
  • A deep understanding of dark magic, its practitioners, and the specific threats posed by dark wizards is essential. Fearbualas must be well-versed in the nuances of dark magic to effectively question and deal with their subjects.
  • The nature of their work requires strong psychological resilience. Fearbualas must be capable of handling the emotional and moral complexities of their role. Ethical flexibility is also crucial, as they operate in a morally grey area where traditional values might be challenged.
  • Given the potential for violent resistance from dark wizards, Fearbualas must be skilled in combat and self-defense. This training ensures they can protect themselves and subdue their targets if necessary.
  • Proficiency in various forms of magic, both defensive and offensive, is essential. Fearbualas need to handle magical wards, enchantments, and other defenses used by dark wizards.
  • Given the sensitive nature of their work, Fearbualas must be adept at maintaining confidentiality and discretion. They often work in secrecy and must ensure that their actions and findings remain undisclosed to unauthorized parties.
  • While their methods may be controversial, Fearbualas often receive training in the legal and ethical boundaries of their work. This training helps them navigate the complex moral landscape of their profession and ensures they operate within the guidelines set by their employers.

Career Progression

Apprentice or Trainee Fearbuala:
  • The journey begins with an apprenticeship or trainee period, where individuals learn the basics of interrogation, dark magic, and combat. They might shadow experienced Fearbualas and gradually take on less critical assignments. Trainees start with simpler, less dangerous missions to build experience and demonstrate their abilities. These tasks help them hone their skills under the supervision of seasoned professionals.
Junior Fearbuala:
  • After proving their competence, they are promoted to Junior Fearbuala. They now handle more complex and higher-risk assignments, often involving direct interrogation and the handling of dark magic artifacts. At this stage, they may begin to specialize in certain types of dark magic or particular interrogation techniques, depending on their strengths and interests.
Senior Fearbuala:
  • Senior Fearbualas take on leadership roles, overseeing teams of Junior and Apprentice Fearbualas. They are involved in strategizing and planning complex missions, and their decisions have a broader impact on their organization’s operations. They master advanced interrogation techniques and develop new methods to deal with evolving threats. Their expertise in handling high-profile cases becomes crucial.
Elite Fearbuala:
  • Achieving Elite status is a mark of high renown and exceptional skill. Elite Fearbualas are often called upon for the most critical and sensitive missions. Their reputation as experts in their field is well-established, and they may have a significant influence on the practices and policies of their profession. They are responsible for training and mentoring the next generation of Fearbualas, sharing their knowledge and experience to ensure the continued effectiveness and ethical conduct of the profession.
Master Fearbuala:
  • The Master Fearbuala is at the pinnacle of the profession. They are often involved in the highest levels of strategic decision-making and may hold a position of significant influence within the organization or government. Their role may include overseeing entire operations, setting policy, and representing the Fearbualas in diplomatic or high-level negotiations. At this stage, they contribute to the evolution of the profession, shaping its future direction, and ensuring that it adapts to new threats and challenges. They may also be involved in crafting ethical guidelines and advancing the theoretical understanding of their craft.

Other Benefits

Despite the controversial nature of their work, Fearbualas can still receive various non-financial benefits and forms of recognition, though they are nuanced given the profession's reputation.
  • Within their own circles, such as among other members of their organization or in related fields, Fearbualas are often highly respected. Their expertise, bravery, and commitment to their mission can earn them considerable respect from those who understand the necessity of their role.
  • Government officials, military leaders, or high-ranking members of their kingdom recognize and appreciate the Fearbualas’ contributions to national security and stability, leading to official commendations or honors.
  • Fearbualas receive medals, awards, or other decorations for their service. These honors are often bestowed for acts of bravery, successful missions, or long-term contributions to national security.
  • Although their profession is considered dirty, exceptional Fearbualas still receive public acknowledgment, especially in contexts where their actions have prevented greater harm or significantly contributed to the safety of the kingdom.
  • Over time, Fearbualas who have made significant contributions may be remembered in historical accounts or lore. Their actions, particularly in times of crisis, can become part of the kingdom’s collective memory.


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