Honey Melters
A common desert or snack in the Southern Deserts, Honey Melters are made of honey and fermented Knights Roots. They are mostly made for parties, weddings, new years, and feasts by the lower to middle classes. The sweets are slightly alcoholic and thus not served to small children. The melters taste very sweet, with a hint of earthyness and an aftertaste of fermentation. When kept at room temperature in a sealed container they last up to one week. The sweet is pretty sticky, and melts in your mouth.
Manufacturing process
roots and honey are mixed in a bowl then shaped into balls and coated with flour.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Related ethnicities
regionally common
1oz each
half inch spheres
Base Price
1 quens per bag
Raw materials & Components
Honey and fermented Knights Roots, coated in flour. The roots when fermented are a sticky wet paste.