Men and Women; descendants of Yusuf Species in Coreth (new) | World Anvil
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Men and Women; descendants of Yusuf (meh-nn & whim-inn)

Created and taught by the Mutoin, humans, or more commonly known as Yusufine, were the first race of domestic beings to set foot on the lands of Coreth. They were a sort of test, as the races that were created later were seemingly improved in the way of faith, physique, and intelligence. Nowadays in Coreth, there are not as many Yusufine as there used to be. Many of the major wars of Coreth always seem to be the fault of the Yusufine, as they are easily begrudged, and are genetically stubborn. They also seem to love annoying each other. It was the Yusufine who invented handheld weaponry, such as the sword, bow and arrow, spear, axe, and shield. They also came up with herbology and alchemy, which was very useful in the field of medicine. If one thinks hard about it, the Yusufine were essential to the growth of the Muto and to the growth of Coreth.
Men and Women; descendants of Yusuf
Species | Jul 6, 2022

Basic Information

Biological Traits

An ordinary and healthy Yusufine will live up to 101 Muyongs(years) old. They typically do not grow over seven feet and are quite light compared to other races. Men seem to grow more hair than women, and seemingly require more protein. Men also appear more muscular and heavy in bouild, while women are lighter and more nimble. The tallest Yusufine to ever live was about eight foot two.

Growth Rate & Stages

At a Yusufine's youngest they are known as babies, or newborns. This is a stage of learning and growth. At this stage, the baby yusufine can only crawl around, as it has yet to learn how to walk or communicate. The only tools at its disposal, biologically speaking, are the abilities to cry, laugh, smile, poop, eat, drink, and sleep. And these things are what it will do for the majority of its time as a baby.   The next stage is the Tokk stage. It is named so as the yusufine has now somewhat learnt how to talk, if a little unintelligably. It can now walk, and convey a few more new emotions. It also should be somewhat willing to try new things.   Next, the Yusufine should now be a child. In this state, they are getting smarter quickly. They will soak up information as much as they can, while showing much more emotion than they did before. They will likely be attached to their parents, emotionally, for the most part of this stage. This is also the stage when they are sent to schools to learn and make friends. There is a such thing as 'Paren-school', which is where they are taught by their parents rather than trained professional teachers.   Next, is probably the most hormonal stage of Yusufine life. The between adulthood and childhood. The dreaded Small adult stage. During this stage, they should still being going to school, if unwillingly, and hopefully learning. This stage is somewhat the opposite of the previous, as the Yusufine will likely not want anything to do with their parents.   The next stages are of when the Yusufine is older, and keeps getting older, until eventually the end of their life. During this time they usually attempt to fulfill their purpose, whether that be protecting their family, getting a job, or enlisting in the army etc.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A Yusufine may only survive up to three weeks without food, and five days without water. They can be picky about what they eat, farmore so than other races. For example, the Darakians have almost identical eating organs and taste buds to humans anatomically, and they are willing to eat almost anything to survive including rocks, ore and faeces (Darakian faeces is full of water making it essential if one is thirsty and on the brink of death because of it).

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Some worldwide Yusufine names would be: Yusuf, Usuf, Lan, Gan, Sun, Sen, Sacke, Sekke, Malo, Talo, Megha, Haro, Halo, Mu, To, Ide, Amy, Amu, Muka, Calam, Spry, Deet, Flo, Lyne, Coal.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Yusufine believe themselves to the alpha species of Coreth, and believe that they could take down any beast, no matter how big or how nimble. This causes them to be disliked by other species. For example, once, the men of Boarwen attempted to steal the land of the giant race, Ogra. This upset the Ogra, and now they enjoy dining on the Yusufine. A similar situation with the Trollk occurred. The Woodklan and the Druids are seemingly willing to work with the Yusufine to grow as people, while the Darakians just ignore them and get on with their work in the mountains. Obviously, the beasts and animals of Sprite are threatened by them, although sometimes the Yusufine will take and care for them, in a sort of companionship. Some Yusufine have even dedicated their lives to teaching them things, such as hunting and domestic behaviour.
A lumberman and his family.
Average Physique
The average Yusufine's endurance is quite low. A fit one can probably run without stopping for about five minutes, if they were running slowly. A Yusufine's skin is easily penetrated by sharp objects and they can be knocked out by one hard blow to the head.
Related Organizations
Yusufine are known to be stubborn and greedy, but at times they can be the opposite. They can be good. Though most are evil and power-hungry and selfish, the light of kindness and ture righteous people will shine through...always. This was one of the things that kept Yusuf driven for so long. He lived til he was two hundred so that he could teach three generations how to be good, with no generation lost knowledge.

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