Blindfold of the Formless Blade

The blindfold used to guide one's blade unerringly

Special: This item is exclusive and/or associated solely with an organization in the world of Ea, "The Organization", and is not available for common purchase. Speak to GM for more details.   Aura: Faint Divination; CL 3rd; Slot: Eyes; Price: 12,000 gp; Weight: 0 lbs.   Description   This blindfold is a simple piece of cloth with a stylized eye painted across it.   When worn, the wearer's vision is not inhibited and they can see as normal, and gain the effects of a see invisibility spell for as long as the blindfold is worn.   Additionally, the wearer's wielded weapon(s) are rendered invisible, rendering their foes flat-footed against them until they have been struck once by the weapon(s) in question. This immunity wears off after 24 hours.   Construction Requirements   Feats: Craft Wondrous Item Spells: See Invisibility; Cost: 6,000 gp.


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