Malsivith Yrd, The Blade Tenebrous

The blade of purest evil and absolute darkness


The Blade Tenebrous is a weapon shrouded in mystery and superstition, whose origins are demonized and are told to children as the stuff of nightmares; It is a weapon unsurpassed by any save for perhaps Ioth Mitne itself, some claim, and it is a blade of absolute evil and implement of murder and slaughter so excellent at its job it has become the stuff of myth. It is a weapon that all know, and even more fear; For on the darkest of nights on the most dangerous of days, all adventurers and warriors fear the strike of The Blade Tenebrous whose blade is said to sunder one's very soul.   The date of Malsivith Yrd's unholy inception is undocumented, but once it was forged from the bowels of the River Styx through an unholy pact between The Organization and the mythical Horseman of Death himself, the blade was forged on the plane of Abbadon and given the name "Malsivith Yrd"...a title in Abyssal which translates roughly to "Death's Blade", by the Horsemen themselves. Afterwards, it was added to the deepest vault of The Organization upon its completion...and ever since, it has become a blade whose name has rang out across the land as the blade which smothers all goodness and light in the world, and brings only darkness.   It emerges only rarely in historical record, and each time the damnable blade appears it severs the life of a truly noteworthy figure and changes the course of history...each wielder the stuff of legend, and each kill the stuff of myth. When this blade severs heads, it does so perfectly, cleanly, and in a way that strikes absolute terror into the hearts of those nearby. Entire civil wars, entire battles have been ended with a strike from this fell blade...and when it finds a wielder capable of holding and controlling its dark evil, nothing is beyond the reach of it.  


The powers of Malsivith Yrd are not well-documented or understood, but it is known to sever the souls of its targets, bringing them a true death and denying them the right to an afterlife. Those killed by this evil blade are killed for good.

Manufacturing process

Once the materials are procured, The Blade Tenebrous was said to require the grandest forge in all of Abbadon to bring to fruition, and the forging process contains secrets known only to the eponymous Horseman of Death and the leaders of The Organization which commissioned the Blade itself.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Owning Organization
4lbs / 1.81437kg
Base Price
250,000 Gold Pieces
Raw materials & Components
The blade of The Blade Tenebrous was said to be a solid piece of Adamantium, steeped in the hatred and curses of a million innocent lives and bathed in the deepest waters of the River Styx, with the exclusive blessing of The Horseman of Death himself. The handle was forged from the same metal, and is wrapped in leather that was formerly a chunk of skin taken directly from the Horseman of Death himself. It's unknown how the legendary Horseman was convinced to allow this blade to be made or what fell pacts and deals were made to finish its construction.
Weapon Statblock
The Blade Tenebrous


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