Formless Grips

The ghostly handwraps that let one's blade strike even the intangible

Special: This item is exclusive and/or associated solely with an organization in the world of Ea, "The Organization", and is not available for common purchase. Speak to GM for more details.   Aura: Moderate Necromancy; CL 8th; Slot: Hand; Price: 8,000 gp; Weight: 1 lbs.   Description   These jet-black gloves glimmer with ghostly energy, and the mere act of touching them sends a chill down one's spine.   While worn, these gloves allow all attacks made by the wearer to strike Incorporeal creatures and objects as if they had the Ghost Touch property.   Additionally, the wearer can sneak attack any creature normally immune to sneak attacks with a 50% miss chance for the sneak attacks to work.   Construction Requirements   Feats: Craft Wondrous Item Spells: Ghost Touch; Cost: 4,000 gp.


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