Formless Shroud

The cloak that shrouds the wearer with invisibility and turns them into fog

Special: This item is exclusive and/or associated solely with an organization in the world of Ea, "The Organization", and is not available for common purchase. Speak to GM for more details.   Aura: Faint Illusion; CL 3rd; Slot: Shoulder; Price: 20,000 gp; Weight: 4 lbs.   Description   This ethereal cape is almost invisible to the naked eye, and shimmers ominously under the night sky.   When worn, the wearer is granted the ability to activate the shroud so they can benefit from invisibility, as the spell.   Additionally, the wearer can use the spell Gaseous Form as an at-will spell-like ability while the shroud is worn.   Construction Requirements   Feats: Craft Wondrous Item Spells: Invisibility; Cost: 10,000 gp.


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