Mask of the Formless

The mysterious mask that erases one's very identity and hides them from memory

Special: This item is exclusive and/or associated solely with an organization in the world of Ea, "The Organization", and is not available for common purchase. Speak to GM for more details.   Aura: Moderate Illusion; CL 10th; Slot: Head; Price: 15,000 gp; Weight: 4 lbs.   Description   This beautifully constructed mask can take many forms according to the whims of the wearer, but is typically stylized to resemble the face of a demon or some kind of humanoid.   When worn, the mask makes the wearer abnormally forgettable, and able to pass unnoticed and unseen in places where others would invariably be caught. Any creature the wearer interacts with must make a will save (DC 22) once the interaction is finished, and on a failed save they are only left with a vague, hazy memory of the interaction, with little to no interesting information or memory of who they interacted with, or for what purpose. They do not find this unusual unless it is brought up by a third party. The wearer can choose to spare those they interact with from this ability.   Additionally, the wearer must adopt a brief descriptive title upon donning the mask, which cannot reference the names of any people or places. So long as the mask is worn, any and all attempts to scry on any identities or names normally associated with you(Including any gained from class abilities) automatically fail, revealing nothing but darkness as if you were an invalid target or did not exist. However, scrying on your new title works as normal. This benefit fades once the mask is removed.   The wearer is immune to effects that require the use of their name for as long as the mask is worn, such as the named bullet spell.   Construction Requirements   Feats: Craft Wondrous Item Spells: Modify Memory; Cost: 7,500 gp.


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