Sahariel, The Angel of Flowers

Risen Goddess of Unity, Protection, Guidance, Flowers, and War

This article is about the Goddess Sahariel, The Angel of Flowers. If you are looking for the page for the Ruler of Sahar and the Person Sahariel, click here.
  Titles: The Angel of Flowers, Sahariel the Pitiless, The One-Chance General, The Fragrant Lady, The Divine Unifier, Daisy of the Battlefields, The Divine Seer, The Planar Ambassador   Roles: Rule and Protect the Ascendancy, Grant Safe Haven to Outsiders, General of Heaven's Armies(Formerly), Protect and Spread Goodness and Law, Raise and Tend to Flowers and Plants, Raise and Shephard the Mortal Races   Favored Weapon: Rapier   Alignment: Lawful Good   Area of Worship/Followers: The Sahar Ascendancy, Outsiders of all alignments and types, Mortals who desire to be protected and cared for by the strong, Any who deeply desire to devote their entire beings to a higher power   Main Temple and Location: The Planar Waystation, The Sahar Ascendancy, The City of Sahar   Church Moniker: The Church of the Unifier(For Outsiders), The Church of the Daisy(For Material Plane Races)   Rival/Enemy/Unliked Gods: All Evil-Aligned Deities Except Asmodeus   Obedience: Spend one hour ruminating on things to come and how to keep yourself and others safe and united while surrounded by pleasant scents and aromas.   Obedience Effect: You gain a permanent 'Tongues' effect on yourself with a caster level equal to your HD, you gain a +4 racial bonus on saves against poison, and you gain Forced Repentance as a spell-like ability 1/day as a caster of your level, except it works on creatures with the Evil subtype as well.

Divine Domains

Plant, Protection, War, Community, Law

Holy Books & Codes

Sahariel's Teachings

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Daisy wrapped in vines

Tenets of Faith

No matter the means, replace chaos and discord with unity and harmony wherever you go.
Judge others by their actions rather than preconceived notions. Do not kill where you could instead teach or redeem, as all are equally capable of goodness.
Never declare a foe irredeemable without giving them a chance beforehand. Spare no effort trying to bring evil into the light of good.
The road to peace and goodness is paved with the bones of the irredeemable souls who stood in the way of it. Waste no time disposing of the irredeemable.
Give Sanctuary, Shelter, and Assistance to all who need it, even if they don't desire it or deserve it.
Accept the guidance of others openly, and guide others firmly and with goodness. Other beings require a firm and steady hand to reach their true potential.


The Day of Descent

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Sahariel's primary goals is to see all outsiders brought together in unity regardless of their origin, and to see the mortals of the Prime Material Plane taught the ways of goodness, virtue, and law beneath her banner and no one else's. Mother knows best, after all. She preaches a disregard for good and evil towards Outsiders, and advocates very heavily for all mortals to come under her banner and be taught the ways of goodness and law, as she sees them as poor misguided creatures who need a firm, guiding hand to keep them on track.
Acts of goodness are not always wise, and acts of evil are not always foolish, but regardless, we shall always strive to be good.
— Sahariel
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Holy Animal
Holy Colors
White, Gold
Holy Number


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