The Blade Tenebrous

The legendary blade formed from the River Styx

Special: This item is exclusive and/or associated solely with an organization in the world of Ea, "The Organization", and is not available for common purchase. Speak to GM for more details.   Weapon Lore Page: Malsivith Yrd, The Blade Tenebrous   Aura: Overwhelming All; CL 20th; Slot: N/A; Price: 250,000 gp; Weight: 4 lbs.   Description   This longsword's blade is midnight black, its handle wrapped in the inky leathers of a section of skin said to be taken from the Horsemen of Death himself, Charon. Its very presence unnerves and stymies the soul.   This blade counts as a +5 Unholy Vicious Longsword, and all squares within 20ft of the wearer are automatically lowered in light level by one step so long as the blade is drawn, to a maximum of Supernatural Darkness. The wielder can see perfectly in any kind of darkness, including Supernatural Darkness.   If the wielder is vulnerable to Sunlight, they are not vulnerable so long as they carry and wield this blade. So long as the wielder is within Dim or Dimmer light, they gain Fast Healing 5.   As a swift action, the wielder of The Blade Tenebrous can cause it to change form into a dagger with the same enchantments. In this dagger form, it has the returning property as well.   Any creature killed with this weapon must make a DC30 will save or have its soul sundered by the Blade, making it impossible to return them to life outside of a Miracle or Wish spell.   As a swift action, the wielder of The Blade Tenebrous can teleport to a square within 30ft.   All sneak attacks made by the wielder deal an extra 2 dice of damage.   All stealth checks made by the wearer gain a +10 to the total.   Once they have had the weapon for 24hrs, a creature becomes the wielder of The Blade Tenebrous and can recall it to their hands as a free action so long as they remain the owner. This works across all Planar boundaries and even through effects such as Dimension Lock.   A good-aligned creature must succeed at a DC 30 Will save each round they hold the Blade or be the target of a Destruction Spell.   Construction Requirements   Craft Wondrous Item; Spells: Unholy Aura; Special: Creator must be evil, Must have a shard of metal dipped in the River Styx with the blessing of the Horseman of Death, A patch of skin from the Horseman of Death; Cost: 125,000GP


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